
Living by our ethical compass

How we find the right direction

The Live by our Compass programme provides detailed guidance on ethical behaviour and emphasises the importance of integrity at all levels of our organisation

As we go about passionately brewing our beer, we put huge effort into conducting our global business with the fullest integrity. Nevertheless, we are continually seeking to improve our compliance culture and to actively promote high ethical standards in our employees. 

We all understand that we need to follow a common ethical compass. The Live by our Compass programme is an important part of our  winning culture. Live by our Compass provides detailed guidance on ethical behaviour and emphasises the importance of integrity at all levels of our organisation. 

Acting with integrity - the Code of Ethics & Conduct

Our Code of Ethics & Conduct (“the Code”) details the ethical values we hold and describes the expectations of our people and those with whom we work.

The Code helps our employees around the world to make the right choices and to act appropriately in response to ethical dilemmas they may encounter in their daily work. The Code has been translated into local languages and applies to all employees.

The Code is extensive but not exhaustive, so it does not address every possible situation. We therefore expect our employees to exercise sound judgement in their decision-making in order to adhere to the highest ethical standards.

Learn more about our ethical standards

The policies provide central direction, mitigate key company risks and underscore the behaviour expected of employees

We have clear policies in place, effective for the management, employees and contract workers of all entities in the Carlsberg Group. The policies include but are not limited to Labour & Human Rights, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Competition Law and Environment.

In order for employees to have easy access to our 29 policies and 200+ manuals, we have a single online platform covering all codes, policies and manuals, accompanied by a comprehensive communications package.

Learn more about our policies

Speaking Up at Carlsberg - for a Better Today and Tomorrow

At Carlsberg we're dedicated to conduct business with integrity, in a responsible, honest, and ethical manner. 

If an employee believes that our Code of Ethics & Conduct, policies or other relevant laws and regulations have been breached, we encourage them to talk to their manager, the compliance or the HR representative or send a message to External reporters should use the Speak Up platform (detailed below).

If reporters wish to raise their concerns anonymously, they can do so via Carlsberg's externally hosted SpeakUp platform. The platform is operated by an independent company which is not affiliated with Carlsberg Group.

Anyone who speaks up in good faith is protected - we do not tolerate any form of retaliation against those who speak up in good faith. Such retaliation is itself treated as a violation of our Code of Ethics & Conduct and may have consequences. Anyone found to have misused the platform to knowingly make false accusations, may be subject to disciplinary actions.

How to Speak Up?

Employees can talk to their local manager, compliance and HR representatives or send a message to If you don't feel comfortable speaking to them, you can raise your concerns anonymously via our SpeakUp platform.

There are two easy options to report concerns anonymously. The anonymous reporting services are available 24/7 and in all Group languages.

  • Report your concern via the Internet at Carlsberg SpeakUp Line - Powered by Convercent. Options are available to provide details of your report in your local language.
  • Call the phone number indicated for your country location to report your concerns to a Convercent call centre representative and language interpreter. The call centre supports more than 300 languages. (Click here to download phone numbers).

Once you have made a report

Once a report has been submitted, it will be immediately brought to the attention of SpeakUp Review team at Carlsberg Group. If you have decided to report anonymously, Carlsberg will not be provided with your personal details.

You will also be provided with a confidential issue access number and asked to provide a personal password and security question. The access number and password allow you to check the status of the report on the externally hosted SpeakUp platform, as well as communicate with the Speak Up Review team, without disclosing your identify. If you provided an email address, you would also receive email notifications from the system when the status of your report is updated.

How Carlsberg investigates misconduct?

Every report is thoroughly reviewed and, if necessary, investigated by an independent and trained team. The Integrity Committee (chaired by the Group Chief Financial Officer), oversees the investigation of the most serious allegations, and provides a report to Carlsberg’s Executive Committee and Carlsberg’s Audit Committee at least quarterly.

In the event of any violation of laws or our internal rules, we will take the required corrective actions.

Thank you for supporting our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and business integrity.

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